Friday, October 19, 2007

more follicles

So, Gayle went in this morning. Two new follicles. one of the other ones is a superhero, and WAAAY bigger than the rest, so they will likely let the big one die off, since its so far ahead. the rest are all small, but growing. Dr brown said she was extremely happy with gayle's response to all the drugs. In fact, gayle's had to give HERSELF a few injections already. i was out of town.

I was a bit nervous because I thought I might have been injecting gayle with some of the practice medications...I seem to remember that last time one of the drugs, the follistim pen came with a practice medicine that was just saline solution. I didn't remember which one I'd used...but as long as Gayle's numbers keep coming up roses, I'm not going to stress. Though It did cost me a night of sleep.

Gayle and I had a nice chat last night about what our lives would be like with TWO kids. I think we're pretty lucky that we can do this twice, as hard as it is on the girl....some people can't even do it once. Luckily she isn't all that broken -- just bad tubes. the rest of her plumbing works fine. Don't believe we're doing it again though.

I did find out that *I* am broken too. My sperm count should be around 20 million, but its at about 16 million. not terrible, but they've recommended we do ICSI. thats where they grab the sperm by the tail and inject it into the egg. Kinda cool. but I don't like being broken...:( Ah well.

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