Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yep, We Are Doing It...Again

Hey there. I guess I should fill you in on what has been going on. For those of you who read the original Science Baby site ( you probably know that our first IVF cycle back in 2005 was a success.

Since Geoff and I are "oldies" (meaning turned 38 this year) we unfortunately don't have a ton of time to waste in terms of growing our family. To that end, we tried to use the Totscicles in June 2006 for a FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). There were many ups and downs with that.

Good news! We had 2 high quality frozen embryos to use
Bad news! Only one of the embryos made it through "thaw"
Good news: I did indeed get pregnant
Bad news: At the first ultrasound they saw a sack, but no yolk/embryo
Worst news: It was in fact a blighted ovum. Meaning the baby had set up a house, but there was no one home.

So, we had to wait out a few cycles to try again. In the meanwhile, the sex disease bloodwork found a small amount of Hep B in my bloodstream, which oddly enough, did not show up when I was tested differently a month later. However, I now have that marked on my chart and need to have the last appointment of the day for monitoring which is a total pain. I know that SG is just trying to protect their patients, but is just never easy.

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